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History | Archives

Dr. Franklin and Dr. Mudd Receive Grant

Robert Franklin (PI) and Phil Mudd (DTC, WSU Tri-Cities – Co-PI) received funding for the Documenting Undertold Narratives of the Manhattan Project at Hanford P24AC01008-00 Grant. The goal of the project is to marry archival holdings and oral histories with contemporary interviews to produce a series of podcasts documenting undertold narratives of the Manhattan Project, focusing on Tribal perspectives, African Americans, women, atomic bomb survivors, downwinders, and LGBTQ project workers.  The project is currently funded for $67K through 12/2026

Dr. Franklin and Hanford History Project Awarded Grant

Robert Franklin and the Hanford History Project are thrilled to be awarded a three-year grant from the National Park Service titled “Digital Asset Management and Community Engagement to Enhance Understanding of Park Resources” at the Manhattan Project National Historical Park, Hanford Unit.   Robert will lead a WSU team to write a digital asset management plan for the entire Manhattan Project National Historical Park and train staff on implementation.  In addition, for the Hanford Unit, the WSU team will host community workshops, conduct archival research and consolidate fundings into a summary report.  These findings and the digital asset management plan will be used to curate 6 digital image galleries; develop one digital walking tour of East Pasco; write 10 articles, create 20 oral history vignettes; and produce one story map.  The project includes funding for undergraduate and graduate student interns.  If anyone has or knows students who might be interested in participating, please contact Robert Franklin directly at

Dr. Franklin Awarded Grant

Robert Franklin and Phil Gruen (SDC) were awarded a TCI IDEA Grant for a class they plan to co-teach in spring 2024 tentatively titled “Infrastructural Racism” looking at social justice in the built environment.  They will be examining how infrastructure projects, specifically in the Tri-Cities (the Lewis Street Underpass and the Pasco-Kennewick “Green Bridge”), shape social and economic inequalities.  The grant is to fund important site visits and relationship building with community partners, and to recruit students.

Dr. Franklin to Oversee Execution of Hanford History Project Grant

The Hanford History Project was awarded a two-year grant from the National Park Service, “Create Digital Media to Share African American Narratives Related to the Manhattan Project” and Robert Franklin will be the PI on the grant and oversee execution.

“This project will create a suite of digital interpretive products that will share the African American migration, segregation, and civil rights history associated with the Manhattan Project at Hanford, WA.Source materials produced through this project, Documenting the African American Migration, Segregation, & Civil Rights History at Manhattan Project National Historical Park (MAPR), Hanford will inform these new interpretive products. Articles, oral history vignettes, a story map and an in-depth digital walking tour will be developed. The goal is to broaden the racial and age diversity of park visitors through digital interpretive products that share diverse and inclusive perspectives as well as engage youth.”

Dr. Bauman Wins Award

Bob Bauman was presented the WSU Tri-Cities Chancellor’s Distinguished Research Excellence Award.

This award is given annually to a WSU Tri-Cities faculty member whose research, scholarship, or creative work is exemplary, and whose work has had a positive influence on the broader community. It is the campus’s highest research honor.

WSU-TriCities Panel “The Holocaust, Neo-Nazism, and White Supremacy”

Bob Bauman, lead liaison with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Center for Arts and Humanities, organized a panel being given Thursday, October 7th from 4:30pm-5:45pm at WSU-TriCities on “The Holocaust, Neo-Nazism, and White Supremacy.”

It will be available on Zoom (registration link below) and available afterward on the WSUTC YouTube channel.

The Holocaust, Neo-Nazism, and White Supremacy | Events | Washington State University (

Smith Teaching and Learning Grants

The Smith Teaching and Learning Grants are awarded by the Vice Provost for Academic Engagement and Student Achievement to faculty members who submit proposals supporting innovative ideas that enhance teaching and learning at WSU. This year’s recipients include Dr. Nikolaus Overtoom as well as Dr. Tracey Hanshew and instructor Robert Franklin for a joint proposal. Congratulations to all award recipients!