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History | History

Daniel Fogt Has Article Published

Daniel Fogt, ABD in early modern European history has published his first peer-reviewed journal article, “Migration and Transregional Marriage along the Dutch-German Borderlands, 1570–1601,” Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte/Archive for Reformation History, vol. 112, no. 1, (2021). Congratulations, Daniel!

New Position for Dr. Andrea (McWethy) Hetley

 Andrea (McWethy) Hetley, who was here as a graduate student in US history from 2009-12, will start a new full-time job as the archivist for the Sisters of the Presentation in San Francisco after Thanksgiving.

The Sisters of the Presentation is a religious order that was started in 18th century Ireland.  Here is a link to a video about the history of the Sisters in the San Francisco region:

And here is a more personal view of life in the order by three older Sisters:

Award Created in Honor of Dr. Sue Peabody

Exciting News – the French Colonial Historical Society/Société d’histoire coloniale française has created a new award in honor of WSU-Vancouver History Department faculty member Sue Peabody, for her influence on and significance to the field of French Colonial History. The Award is to support the travel of a scholar from the Global South to the society’s annual meeting (which meets at many sites associated with French colonial history, from Montreal,Québec, and New Orleans, to Dakar and Siem Reap, but also places like Seattle or San Francisco).

Congratulations Dr. Peabody!

WSU-TriCities Panel “The Holocaust, Neo-Nazism, and White Supremacy”

Bob Bauman, lead liaison with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Center for Arts and Humanities, organized a panel being given Thursday, October 7th from 4:30pm-5:45pm at WSU-TriCities on “The Holocaust, Neo-Nazism, and White Supremacy.”

It will be available on Zoom (registration link below) and available afterward on the WSUTC YouTube channel.

The Holocaust, Neo-Nazism, and White Supremacy | Events | Washington State University (

Conversation with Peter Boag – “Crossing Boundaries: Trans History, Then and Now”

Crossing Boundaries: Trans History, Then and Now, on October 14th at 7:00 PM.

Join via Zoom for this conversation about the history of transgender people and how westward migration provided opportunities for self-expression and fulfillment. Viewers will have the chance to submit questions to the panel during the Q&A portion of the program.

 Advance registration is required to get the Zoom link. Register here.

Get details about the Crossing Boundaries exhibition and learn more about Dr. Boag here.