Scholarships and Awards

Pullman doctoral candidate Greg Atkins wins multiple awards


Atkins2Doctoral student Greg Atkins won the Edward and Margery Bennett History Graduate Scholarship, the William D. Aiken Travel Grant, and the Frederick Dumin Memorial Scholarship. 

Greg, a fourth-year doctoral candidate, uses the history of Colorado Springs to explore the connections among Christianity, business, and politics in the United States from the late 1800s through today.

He will use the funding from these awards to finance a 10-day research trip to Colorado Springs and to present a paper at the Western Historical Association in Portland, Ore.

Greg went on to develop his conference paper into a dissertation chapter, which he hopes to publish with a journal. He also plans to present his new research in Colorado Springs through another paper for the Pacific Northwest American Academy of Religion Conference in Moscow, Idaho.

Department awards support the innovative research of WSU’s history graduate students and fund them to represent the department and the University at important conferences. “I truly appreciate the opportunities they have provided,” Greg said.