History Newsletter 2016

Spring 2016 Issue

History @ Washington State

steven-kale_114x132Letter from the Chair, Dr. Steve Kale

A warm welcome and a word about changes at the Washington State University Department of History…


matthew-sutton-feb16_200x267Faculty News

Dr. Matt Sutton, whose work explores the relationships among American religion, culture, and politics, was just named a 2016 Guggenheim Fellow…


clif-strattonTeaching Innovations

In Fall 2015, the Roots of Contemporary Issues program entered its fourth full year as the centerpiece of undergraduate general education at Washington State University…


Events and News

The WSU history department had a huge pportlandresence at the 55th Annual Conference of the Western History Association, held in Portland, Oregon…


Atkins2Scholarships and Awards

Doctoral student Greg Atkins wins the Edward and Margery Bennett History Graduate Scholarship, the William D. Aiken Travel Grant, and the Frederick Dumin Memorial Scholarship…


SimockUndergraduate News

Two WSU students made “history” this past spring, as history majors Nathan Trivers and Andrew “Reed” Simock served as state legislative interns in Olympia…


sikang-songGraduate News

Doctoral student Sikang Song was awarded the 2016 College of Arts and Sciences Doctoral Student Achievement Award in the Humanities…


KAWEMPFaculty Publications

Dr. Noriko Kawamura, associate professor, published Emperor Hirohito and the Pacific War (University of Washington Press, 2015)…


john-kicza_88x106Alumni News

WSU and the Department of History remember John E. Kicza, emeritus professor of history…


kale-presentation-2015(2)History Club

The WSU History Club sponsored a panel discussion relating to research and careers in history featuring Drs. Jenny Thigpin, Lawrence Hatter, and Frank Hill…
