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Dr. Peabody Participates in Roundtable

Sue Peabody (History, WSU Vancouver) will participate in a roundtable, Representing Slavery in Museums: The French World, at the University of Texas, Austin, on Tuesday, January 17th, sponsored by the French Embassy Cultural Services and the Department of French and Italian, UTAInterested WSU students and faculty are invited to attend. The roundtable will take place from  11-12:35 Pacific (1:00-2:45PM Central) over Zoom: (you’ll need to register first; QR code in the poster). Keynote speaker: Prof. Ana-Lucia Araujo, Howard University. Other panelists: Dr. Jérémy Boutier and Jean-Barbier, Musée de Villèle: History of Slavery and the Plantation. Chair: Prof. Mélanie Lamotte, UTA. Respondant: Prof. Nathan Marvin, U. Arkansas, Little Rock.

Dr. Peabody’s Contrbution Published

Sue Peabody’s contribution to the online roundtable recognizing the prize-winning Caribbean New Orleans: Race, Empire, and the Making of a Slave Society (UNC, 2019), by Cécile Vidal (Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales), has been published by the Toynbee Prize Foundation:

Dr. Boag’s Exhibit Wins Award

The American Association of State and Local History has announced that the exhibit that Peter Boag co-curated at the Washington State History Museum last year, “Crossing Boundaries: Portraits of a Transgender West, 1860-1940” has earned an “Award of Excellence” (defined as, “The Award of Excellence, which is presented for excellence in history programs, projects, and people when compared with similar activities nationwide.”).
The awards are announced on the AASLH blog at

Dr. Chastain Wins Grant

Andra Chastain won a 2022 New Faculty Seed Grant for her project entitled “Global Urban Histories in the Americas: Santiago, Chile,” which includes support to complete revisions her book Chile Underground: The Santiago Metro and the Struggle for a Rational City, as well as preliminary research for a new project on the history of urban air pollution in the Americas.