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Washington State University
History | Student News

Philip W. Travis, PhD

Philip W. Travis, PhD, will be on the Peace and Justice Report on Sarasota Public Radio WSLR 96.5 at 9am eastern time, Wed. Oct. 4 discussing his recent book “Reagan’s War on Terrorism in Nicaragua: The Outlaw State.”

If you are interested in checking the program out it streams live and will be archived (follow the link below for the live stream and/or the archived program after the live broadcast).

Peace & Justice Report

Ryan Booth speaks at Gonzaga University

Please join us in congratulating PhD student, Ryan Booth, on his invitation to speak at Gonzaga University. The event, “’They Are Always at the Front:’ Native American Soldiers in the Great War,” will be held in Wolff Auditorium at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, October 31, 2017.

Ryan’s research focuses on Native American military scouts and military service from the mid-nineteenth century through World War I.

Above is a photo that Ryan has included with the presentation of his research; image credit to the Mather’s Museum of World Cultures, Indiana University.

PhD candidate, Greg Atkins’ entry published by ABC-CLIO

ABC-CLIO published Atkins’ entry on Josiah Strong in their encyclopedia, Reforming America: A Thematic Encyclopedia and Document Collection of the Progressive Era.  The entire article can be read here.  Congratulations, Greg!

Dr. Jeffrey Johnson edited the two-volume encyclopedia and took his PhD from WSU.

Reforming America presents a detailed look at the individuals, themes, and moments that shaped this important Progressive Era in American history, this valuable reference spans 25 years of reform and provides multidisciplinary insights into the period.”




“Legacies of the Manhattan Project at 75 Years” call for papers

The Hanford History Project and Washington State University Press are soliciting papers for a collection of essays on the March 2017 conference theme, “Legacies of the Manhattan Project at 75 Years.”  The collection is NOT a “conference proceedings” but rather an effort to gather recent, cutting-edge research that reflects current scholarship on any aspect of the Manhattan Project/Cold War inheritance. We would be delighted to consider for inclusion any work you are presently engaged in pertaining to that theme. See the flyer here for submission information and deadline.

Well over 100 people registered and participated in the March conference. There were outstanding panel discussions, informative updates regarding the evolution of the Manhattan Project National Historical Park, and a round-table discussion that concluded the formal program.  The Park’s Hanford unit was visited as well as its crown jewel, B Reactor.

The conference in March also underscored the need to continue to expand the scope of historical inquiry and interpretation, to encompass those stories that have yet to garner the attention they deserve: the stories of often-overlooked groups (African-American and domestic laborers, for instance) without whose efforts the Manhattan Project would have remained a thing of whimsy, a pipe-dream; the stories of the Native American tribes-people and the pre-1943 farming families who were peremptorily uprooted, abruptly divorced from their traditions and ways of life, in order to make way for the government’s massive undertaking; the stories of the tragic human and environmental impacts that were the unintended consequences of an arms race conducted with a war-time sense of urgency; and, more positively, the stories of scientific and technological innovation and advancement developed to remedy those consequences.

The Hanford History Project will be hosting another conference at a date yet to be determined (spring or fall 2019).  A series of events is also planned for Fall 2017…more information forthcoming.

World Politics & Statecraft Fellowship for PhD research available

The Smith Richardson Foundation is pleased to announce its annual World Politics & Statecraft Fellowship competition to support Ph.D. dissertation research on American foreign policy, international relations, international security, strategic studies, area studies, and diplomatic and military history.

The purpose of the program is to strengthen the U.S. community of young scholars and researchers conducting policy analysis in these fields by supporting the research and writing of policy-relevant dissertations through funding of field work, archival research, and language training.

The Foundation will award up to twenty grants of $7,500 each.

The deadline is October 20, 2017.

For further information, please visit:

Please submit your application to do not mail a hard copy.

Smith Richardson Foundation
60 Jesup Road
Westport, CT 06880

PhD Candidate, Matthias Baudinet, receives Foley Grad Student Fellowship

Congratulations go out to Matthias Baudinet upon his recent award of a fellowship from the Thomas S. Foley Institute.  The notice was sent by Richard Elgar of the Thomas S. Foley Institute for Public Policy and Public Service “thanks to the generosity of Alice O. Rice.”

The Thomas S. Foley Institute for Public Policy and Public Service was established at Washington State University in 1995 to honor Speaker Foley’s mor than 30 years of public service to both state and nation as the 57th Speaker of the House of Representatives.

“In a cynical age, I still believe that we must summon people to a vision of public service. For, in the end, this ethic determines more than anything else whether we will have citizens and leaders of honor, judgment, wisdom, and heart. These are the qualities this institute will nurture and advance, helping this nation become what it has always been destined to be, the best hope of a free people to live in an open and just society.”

—The Honorable Thomas S. Foley

See more information on the Thomas S. Foley Institute here.

World History Assoc Phi Alpha Theta award application deadline is June 1

The deadline for another student award, the Phi Alpha Theta Student Paper Prize, is approaching.  This award includes a $500 prize, a one-year membership to the WHA, a letter and a certificate from our office.

With less than a month before the June 1, 2017 deadline, now is the perfect time to prepare for the Phi Alpha Theta prize.  It is open to undergraduate as well as graduate students and submissions should be sent directly to the committee chair, Professor Jon Davidann.  For more information about this award, please click here

Should you have specific questions about these award opportunities, feel free to contact Kerry Vieira of the WHA at 617-373-6818, fax 617-373-2661.

Casey McNicholas, History and Political Science major, chosen to carry CAS gonfalon

Casey McNicholas, a U. S. Army officer and senior in history and political science, has been selected to carry the College of Arts and Sciences gonfalon at the 2017 commencement ceremony Saturday, May 6.  Casey is a 4.0 GPA student with a minor in military science in addition to his double major.  He will graduate as a commissioned U. S. Army second lieutenant.

Congratulations, Casey!

See the complete article here.


Mario Vega, Undergraduate History Major, awarded Summer Mini-Grant

Mario Vega’s project, which involves both archival work and oral history, will culminate in the creation of an online digital history exhibit detailing the life of Tom Haji, a Japanese-American who lived in Monroe, Washington during the Great Depression. Haji was interned at Tule Lake, California after Pearl Harbor.  He died in Italy in 1945 as a member of the 442nd Combat Regiment. Though relatively short, his life offers important insight into questions regarding Washington state history, rural history, U.S. military history, immigration history, and the histories of race, internment, segregation, and integration in the mid-twentieth century.

This digital exhibit will preserve the primary source record of Haji’s life, place Haji and his family within wider social, economic, and political contexts, and above all, make his story widely accessible to scholars and the general public.

Tom Haji

“Top Ten” Senior awardee, Kevin Schilling and Mentor, Dr. Jennifer Thigpen

Washington State University Alumni Association – Big Ten Seniors

From the early 1900’s to the 1980’s, Washington State University recognized the best five men and five women seniors. These students were called “The Big Five Men” and “The Big Five Women.” The Student Alumni Ambassadors and the WSU Alumni Association are continuing this tradition with the Top Ten Seniors award program. The most qualified five men and five women, each representing a specific aspect of the college experience, were chosen for 2017. The categories are:

Campus Involvement
Community Service
Visual and Performing Arts

Winners demonstrate excellence in one of these categories. A selection committee comprised of faculty, staff, and students chose the winners in each category. Nominees are undergraduates graduating from the Pullman campus during the 2017 calendar year.

History major, Kevin Schilling won in the category of “Community Service.” He also won a writing portfolio award.