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History | Faculty News

Dr. Weller featured at KNU in Kazakhstan this month!

Dr. Charles Weller was one of several international plenary speakers for the 5th Annual “Farabi Forum” at Kazakh National University (KNU, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Apr 3-4). His talk on “Al-Farabi’s World Historical Travels: From Central Asia and the Middle East, to Europe and Russia, and Back Again” was featured among scholars and dignitaries from Turkey, Syria, Tajikstan, the Netherlands and Kazakhstan; it will be printed in the conference proceedings.


Dr. Sun receives CDSC summer fellowship

Dr. Ray Sun has been chosen to receive a summer fellowship from the Center for Digital Scholarship and Curation! Dr. Sun has been developing a digital exhibit of the research he has been exploring over the last two semesters that connect the history of Washington State University to World War II. Congratulations Dr. Sun!

Dr. Gerber’s mentees receive awards at SURCA 2018

We would like to applaud our undergraduate students who participated in the Showcase for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities. We would further like to recognize two students who received awards that were mentored by our own Dr. Lydia Gerber.

Krista Brutman received a Gray Award, abstract titled “Left-Over Women: Collectivist Feminism in Modern China.” The Gray Award is the second highest award presented at SURCA with at least one being offered in each of the eight categories of study. Krista is a mathematics major from the Pullman campus!

Will Millick received a Novice Researcher Award, abstract titled “Considering Women in the Great Leap Forward.” The Novice Researcher Award is given to students who have been working on their projects for two semesters or less and were awarded excellent marks by the judges. Will is an architectural studies major from the Pullman campus!

Congratulations to both students! Please click here if you are interested in reviewing the abstracts that were presented or to learning more about SURCA!

Encore Presentation for the 161st Infantry Regiment

Professor Orlan Svingen and graduate students Jared Chastain and Laura Briere are being invited back to Camp Murray to present their information on the 161st Infantry Regiment a second time!  The Camp Murray WNG Museum will be bringing in artifacts from the museum to display in conjunction with their presentation. This time around there is room for up to 600 attendees! Congratulations on this wonderful opportunity for all of you!

Grad student Ryan Booth and Professor Katy Fry invited to NEH Institute

Congratulations to Ryan Booth and Professor Katy Fry for being selected to attend the two-week Institute, “The Native American West: A Case Study of the Columbia Plateau” at Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington this summer.

See this link for more information about the NEH Summer Institute for College and University Teachers!

Dr. Ray Sun is the recipient of Sahlin Faculty Excellence Award for Instruction

Dr. Ray Sun has been announced as a recipient of the Sahlin Faculty Excellence Award for Instruction! Dr. Sun specializes in modern German and modern European history, teaching upper-level courses on Nazi Germany and comparative genocide. He won the CAS Mullen Award for Teaching Excellence and is a charter member of the WSU President’s Teaching Academy. He created two new classes based on his research of collective memory, war and society and Holocaust rescue. He actively engages in public education, speaking to senior Army ROTC cadets on the value of military officers. He published the book “Before the Enemy is Within Our Walls: Catholic Workers in Cologne, 1885-1912: A Social, Cultural and Political History.”

Dr. Peabody receives the David Pinkney Prize!

Sue Peabody, Meyer Distinguished Professor of History of Washington State University Vancouver, is this year’s recipient of the Society for French Historical Studies’ David Pinkney Prize for the best book on any aspect of French history by a U.S. or Canadian author in 2017 for her book, Madeleine’s Children: Family, Freedom, Secrets, and Lies in France’s Indian Ocean Colonies (Oxford UP).

3 faculty members selected as LIFT Faculty Fellows!

The department is happy to announce that three faculty members in the History Department and RCI Program ­– Karen Phoenix, Matthew Unangst, and Michelle Mann – have been selected as LIFT Faculty Fellows. The LIFT Program (L.earn I.nspire F.oster T.ransform) is aimed at supporting committed educators at WSU to promote transformative student learning. It is part of WSU’s Transformational Change Initiative. Fellows join a group of educators working to share and learn techniques of student engagement and learning through Spring and Fall 2018.