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Washington State University
History | Graduate Studies

The Department of History at Washington State University offers graduate study leading to the master of arts (thesis and non-thesis options) and doctor of philosophy degrees.

Specialized areas of study within the Department of History include United States, early modern Europe, modern Europe, modern East Asia, environment, women, public, world, and American studies (in cooperation with the Department of English).

Matt Sutton, chair of the Department of History, notes that the department in recent years has placed almost all of its graduate students in academic or public history positions. The history graduate program continues to grow and offer new challenges for today’s scholars. One hundred years ago when SCW President Bryan turned over the courses for the Economic Science and Department of History to Walter Beach, he gave him these instructions: “You will teach your students how to think and find the truth and will be concerned with that chiefly and with the methods of research.” The dedicated and award-winning faculty of the Department of History continues to live up to those instructions and to attract graduate students who share their passion for history.

For information from a current graduate student’s perspective, please feel free to contact one of our HGSA representatives.

About the Graduate Guidelines

The Department of History’s Graduate Guidelines provide basic information about our graduate program, admission requirements, and financial assistance. They are to be used in conjunction with the Policies and Procedures of the Graduate School. The purpose of the guidelines is to elaborate, interpret, and apply the Policies and Procedures with respect to the graduate study of history. Nothing contained here should be construed to contradict or supersede the instructions and regulations found in the Policies and Procedures.

The guidelines are not intended to be absolutely binding upon the faculty and students of the Department of History. Requests for departures from the guidelines may be made in writing to the department’s Graduate Studies Committee, which can authorize or reject them. All such requests should be made with the support of the major professor. Such departures may not conflict with the Policies and Procedures of the Graduate School. In cases where a departure involves significant changes, the Graduate Studies Committee will refer the matter to the entire faculty of the Department of History for determination.

These guidelines supercede all previous memoranda, minutes, and letters of the Department of History and the departmental Graduate Studies Committee with respect to policy and procedures governing the graduate study of history.

Visit the Graduate School to apply for admission! The Graduate School will send you general information on graduate studies at Washington State University. Application forms pertaining specifically to the graduate program in history can be completed on-line. For additional information regarding degree programs, contact Lawrence Hatter:

Director of Graduate Studies: Lawrence Hatter
Phone: 509-335-7298

Graduate School Admissions
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-1030
Phone: 509-335-3535
Fax: 509-335-1949
Request information