Dr. Jennifer Thigpen, Associate Professor of History, was nominated for the Associated Students of Washington State University (ASWSU) Faculty and Staff “Exceptional Professor Award”.  Dalvin Williams-Yarbrough and Kevin Schilling were the nominators.

Dalvin Williams-Yarbrough states: “Dr. Jennifer Thigpen is one of the best professors I have ever had at WSU. Incredibly personable, she takes the time to get to know every one of students. Within a familiar and inviting classroom setting, she would expertly draw the class in to her lesson plans with interesting topics and engaging group activities. Dr. Thigpen is also markedly organized and has an impressive eye for detail. She works with students throughout the writing process and gives honest feedback that is very valuable to one’s development as a writer. She also is very welcoming to students who visit her during office hours and makes herself available for all types of advice and guidance. She is an upstanding faculty-member and a genuine representative of the greater WSU community.”

Dalvin Williams-Yarbrough, Jennifer Thigpen, Kevin  Schilling

Congratulations Dr. Thigpen!